Según la Policía Federal brasileña, había un plan detallado para asesinar al presidente y al vicepresidente electos en 2022, así como al juez de la Suprema Corte, Alexandre de Moraes, entonces presidente del Tribunal Superior Electoral. Con relación a este, actos concretos de ejecución fueron iniciados por los respectivos agentes, pero interrumpidos en su curso […]
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Abusive Legalism against Indigenous Minorities: Challenges of the Marco Temporal II Case before the Brazilian Supreme Court (I-CONnect)
Soon after celebrating a historic victory before the Supreme Court in the Marco Temporal I case, which held that the date of promulgation of the Constitution could not be used as the mandatory date for the demarcation of indigenous lands, Brazilian indigenous peoples have to fight another (unfair) battle. This time, their lethal enemy is […]
Saiba MaisPrecedent of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: State Compliance and Judicial Performance in Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia
[Título em português: Precedente da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos: Conformação Estatal e Performance Judicial em Brasil, Colômbia, Argentina, Chile e Bolívia]. In: Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, v. 18, n. 1, p. 77-108, 2024; Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law (MPIL) Research Paper Series, Working Paper No. 2023-02, Heidelberg […]
Saiba MaisIndigenous Peoples’ Consultation Rights: Inter-American Requisite for Democracy?
[Título em português: Direitos de Consulta dos Povos Indígenas: Pré-requisito Interamericano para a Democracia?]. In: American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting 2023: Human Rights Session, Los Angeles.] Abstract: Based on the formalist political perspective, in a pure sense the democracy may be a trap against minorities thanks to the majority rule’s applicability without constitutional […]
Saiba MaisMinoria Indígena e sua Exclusão Político-Institucional: Análise do Caso Xukuru (Brasil, 2020)
[English title: Indigenous Minority and its Political-Institutional Exclusion: Analysis of the Xukuru Case (Brazil, 2020)]. In: Lilian Emerique, Vanessa Berner, Rubén Martínez Dalmau (eds.). Pés no Presente e Olhos no Futuro: Reflexões sobre Direitos Humanos, Democracia e Desenhos Institucionais. São Paulo [Brasil]: Tirant lo Blanch, 2022. p. 54-65. [ISBN: 978-65-5908-343-5]. Resumo: Com base na perspectiva […]
Saiba MaisImpeachment: A Mechanism between Political Accountability and Legal Responsibility? Common Law Sources and the Brazilian Originalist Model
[Título em português: Impeachment: Um Mecanismo entre Responsabilidade Política e Jurídica? Fontes de Common Law e o Modelo Originalista Brasileiro]. Global Journal of Comparative Law, Leiden, v. 11, n. 2, 2022] Abstract: This paper seeks to analyze impeachment as a mechanism of institutional control of political actors, searching for its historical and theoretical bases in […]
Saiba MaisMandatory Consultation to Indigenous Peoples: Part of the Inter-American Public Order?
[Título em português: Consulta Obrigatória aos Povos Indígenas: Parte da Ordem Pública Interamericana?]. In: Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law: IX Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), Wroclaw. New York: International Society of Public Law, 2022.] Abstract: The conception of indigenous peoples’ consultation rights comprehends the free, prior, and informed […]
Saiba MaisCommon Law Sources and the Brazilian Originalist Model of Impeachment: Political Accountability or Legal Responsibility?
[Título em português: Fontes de Common Law e o Modelo Originalista Brasileiro de Impeachment: Responsabilidade Política ou Jurídica?]. In: Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law: IX Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), Wroclaw. New York: International Society of Public Law, 2022.] Abstract: The proposal seeks to analyze the impeachment as […]
Saiba MaisCorrupção e Violação de Direitos Humanos: Uma Correlação Necessária? Apontamentos Críticos ao Debate Peters-Davis
[English title: Corruption and Human Rights’ Violation: A Necessary Correlation? Critical Notes on the Peters-Davis Debate]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais, v. 175, p. 69-89, Jan. 2021. Resumo: Visa o presente artigo investigar o problema fundamental se a corrupção gera a violação de direitos humanos, a partir dos principais argumentos deduzidos por Anne Peters e […]
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